
Being called by love means being called to work for justice, because “justice is what love looks like in public” (Rev. Dr. Cornell West). Justice work has been woven throughout my life in all these ways and more:

  • In 2023, I accepted an organizing fellowship as a Beacon Community Leader with, working on issues including dismantling the preschool to prison pipeline (featured on the MomsRising blog) and advocating for safety for trans and gender-expansive kids in school.
  • Soon after graduating from Starr King School for the Ministry in 2022, I put on my clerical collar and offered public witness that made the local news at the rally the day Roe vs. Wade was overturned (pictured below).
  • Mishandling of racist language at the local middle school prompted me to visit the school, attend school board meetings, meet with district administration, and publicly advocate for racial justice via letters to the editor in our local paper.
  • Horrified by migrant detention and family separation during the Trump Administration, I mobilized families to advocate for humane immigration policies at the office of our Congressman (pictured above) and participated in the Hungry for Justice fast in support of detained moms in the Port Isabella detention center.
  • During the Obama Administration, I organized a meeting with staff of Senator Maria Cantwell to advocate for comprehensive reproductive health care coverage and public health insurance to be included in the final bill. Subsequently, Senator Cantwell’s amendment to require Medicaid coverage of licensed midwives practicing in licensed birth centers became part of the Affordable Care Act.
  • Learning midwifery and working in abortion care brought home the reproductive justice framework I was introduced to in Smith College Women’s Studies courses. I heard my first call to ministry as I shared my understanding of God’s universal love in pre-abortion counseling sessions.
  • Homophobic graffiti at my high school prompted me to organize a school-wide teach-in with other student leaders and faculty allies when I was in my teens.